Tuesday, October 27, 2009

cocoa beach

Giving kisses!!!! We have been having a blast.
Disney's Halloween party was great, we all toughed it
out until the very end (both kids did pass out in the
stroller on the way to the car). I just don't see how I
could have enough energy to do Disney 5 days in a row!!!!
I have tons of pictures but it is 1:00 AM so I will post those
later!!!! Good night!!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Leaves falling!!!

Our neighbor friend Kaylee

We are looking forward to a week vacation to Orlando!!!
Jeremy will be doing some work and we will play!!!! We will
be going to Mickey's not so scary Halloween party and Magic Kingdom
on Jeremy's birthday!!!! The kids are very excited and are
looking forward to seeing the beach and their Disney pals!!!! We hope
everyone has a great Halloween!!!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Soccer game number 2

We competed with our friend Macie!!!
They ran and hugged on the field!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fall Break!!!

I'm sure you are wondering where John David was
in all the pictures, well... he was snoozing away back
at the cabin with grand-dad and mee-maw!!!!

Allie Elise was so excited and kept asking to ride on
the go carts!!!! She was so happy that her daddy took
her!!! She kept saying, "thank you Daddy so much!!!".

This was John David's favorite part of our little
weekend getaway!!!! Bears, bears, and more bears!!!

We had a great weekend!!! We stayed in a cabin along with 30 other family members. We had fun staying up until 2AM in the morning playing games and spending quality time together!!! Oh by the way majority of these pictures were taken by my iphone so the clarity isn't the greatest. I kept forgetting my camera everywhere we went, oh well these pictures will have to do!!! Happy Fall break!!!!